Monday, January 30, 2012

"Oh no! It's Mommy!"

This phrase, I have heard twice over the last two days from my 2 year old. It always seems to surface when I catch her doing something she's not supposed to be doing.

The first was last night. I had put her in bed, and we did our normal bedtime routine. Read the book, pray, tuck in with butterfly blanket, turn on her sounds, new music, and light buggin. Translation...sounds is her sound machine that I have had for her for a long time, it's basically white noise. That turns on at bedtime and stays on all night. New music is the Praise Baby Bedtime Lullibies cd that Magee (my mom, Grandma Vicki) bought her a few weeks ago. It's no longer new, but to Tessa, it's still her, new music. That goes on at bedtime, and plays until it's done, about 45 minutes later. Light buggin is her ladybug that lights up and projects stars and the moon on her ceiling. It can go in three different colors, she got it from Nana and Papa for Christmas and loves it. However, she is not allowed to remove her light buggin from her dresser at night, if she does, Mommy takes it away, and she knows this. She's lost it many a times. I love going in there when she's taken it into bed, (I can see through my video baby monitor) because as soon as I open the door, she usually throws it to the floor and says, "Here Mommy!" As if to say, I don't know how this thing ended up in my bed, but I know I'm not supposed to have it. She cracks e up. Well, last night, I saw through the monitor that she had light buggin in her bed, so I went to go get it, I opened the door, and I hear, "Oh no! It's Mommy!" She throws light buggin to the floor and lays real still in her bed. She got busted!

Then this morning, she got busted again. We were downstairs, I was working on hats and she was busy playing with her toys. She wandered into the kitchen, and I realized that I hadn't heard her say anything for a few minutes, which in Tessa-land, usually means trouble. So I got up from the couch, and turned the corner to walk into the kitchen. There she was, in the refrigerator, she spotted me and again I hear, "Oh no! It's Mommy!" and the tub of I Can't Believe it's Not Butter goes flying. I reminded her that we don't eat butter from the tub, although knowing that I did it as a kid too, I admit, I probably didn't say it with as much conviction as I probably should have.

Tessa likes to push the boundaries, but has lately been getting caught, the little stinker. Sometimes it's so hard to get mad at her though, because she's so cute and she says the funniest little things that I find myself more likely walking away from her so she doesn't see me smiling or laughing, than getting her trouble. Raising a toddler is never a boring job.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Back at it...

I make no promises, but I'm going to try. When I was on my Facebook account tonight, I saw that I had a website listed for myself. I totally forgot about my blog! My last entry was July of 2010, a year and a half ago. The other night, Tessa did something a little naughty but reacted in a way that was just so funny, and as I was telling my sister in law about it, she said, "I hope you're writing all this stuff down." what's bad is that I really haven't been. Yes, I post on facebook a funny tidbit or two, but Tessa is 2 1/2 now and is always cracking me up with her toddler antics. So yes, I think getting back to my blog will be a great way to record her more memorable moments. I don't promise to do it all the time, but now that I downloaded Blogger as an app on my iPhone, maybe it'll remind me to visit and update more often. Here's to giving it another try!